At WCRF we fund research into cancer prevention and survival through diet, weight and physical activity. We then turn this evidence into practical, straightforward advice and information to help anyone who wants to reduce their risk of developing cancer. But we don’t just talk the talk; we are encouraged to lead by example, especially when in the office.

This means we ‘Live the message,’ and we have a group of colleagues who work with HR to make the WCRF office an active and healthy place. As part of this I do free yoga classes for my colleagues once a week during lunch. As a qualified yoga instructor, this is a great opportunity for me to help WCRF staff be more active, which can only increase wellness and productivity. I love practising yoga, not only for its physical advantages but also because it helps me overcome the anxieties of day to day life. I strongly believe that everyone can benefit from yoga in some way, whether it’s learning to calm the mind or simply improving physical mobility. I teach my colleagues simple poses that will counteract the effects of sitting at a desk and stretch out the whole body.


My colleague in the Policy Team, Fiona, also does pilates classes once a week in the office, and it is great that HR let us extend our lunch break to accommodate these lessons! On top of this, we are offered standing desks in the office to reduce sitting time and some teams even take their meetings outside – when the London weather allows – to do walking meeting!

Being physically active reduces your risk of bowel, breast and womb cancer.

By Charlotte Constable Fernandez, Research Funding Officer at World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF).


Images: Unsplash